At replica louis vuitton handbags Spring 2010, creative director Marc Jacobs saw fit to attach furry tails to the lv handbag. Yep, that happened. As far as bags go, the show started…dreadfully. Most of them appeared to be made of dip-dyed cotton canvas in candy colors with coordinating fluffy appendages streaming off the back, which were sometimes bigger than the louis vuitton handbags themself. Instead of canvas bags with animal parts hanging from them, louis vuitton bags returned to the leathers and embossed logos to which fans are slightly more accustomed. And they weren’t entirely successful, but I appreciate the combination of colors, materials, and textures that Jacobs attempted in order to make something new out of one of the most recognizable logos in the fashion world. The collection was heavy on messengers, and the ones that combined logo leather with smooth in different colors were probably the best louis vuitton of the show, in addition to the duffel bags made of similar textures.
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At replica louis vuitton handbags Spring 2010, creative director Marc Jacobs saw fit to attach furry tails to the lv handbag. Yep, that happened. As far as bags go, the show started…dreadfully. Most of them appeared to be made of dip-dyed cotton canvas in candy colors with coordinating fluffy appendages streaming off the back, which were sometimes bigger than the louis vuitton handbags themself. Instead of canvas bags with animal parts hanging from them, louis vuitton bags returned to the leathers and embossed logos to which fans are slightly more accustomed. And they weren’t entirely successful, but I appreciate the combination of colors, materials, and textures that Jacobs attempted in order to make something new out of one of the most recognizable logos in the fashion world. The collection was heavy on messengers, and the ones that combined logo leather with smooth in different colors were probably the best louis vuitton of the show, in addition to the duffel bags made of similar textures.
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