幸福點點名遊戲規則回答下列問題,並貼到自己的網誌or報台寫完後自己多加一個問題然後傳給十個人,可以點被點過的人被你點到的人你要去跟他說,我點到你了寫完後去跟點到你的人說「我寫完了」不可以不寫喔,不然幸福會跑掉喔1.我的大名: Wall E, Kung fu panda, Wei wei, Booi booi, left footer..
2.我的生日: 15th Sept 1989
3.誰傳給你的: ah bin, ah moi zai yi ping, michael life drummer
4.說出五個好朋友:isaac, TC, jen jen, robin, yi ping
5.生日想要得到什麼: blessings from god.. diet planning from professional...ahahaha SWT
6.近期開心的是: going to indonesia, europe, japan, taiwan and singapore this year...
7.近期壓力的是: semeester final exam now,..
8.未來想做什麼阿: international businessman
9.有沒有喜歡的人: yes..... many tim... hahaha bluek
10.同學會要回去找老師嗎: yes.... juz went back last 2 weeks
11.跟誰出去最幸福: Holy spirit...hha
12.如果你的兩個好友吵架了: encourage them to fight!! haha no la.. of course give advice and pray fort them//
13.跟情人出去最想去哪.. the curve damansara
14.聖誕節想要做啥: act as santa claus...hhaahah
15.最想要跟誰過聖誕節: all of my beloved bro and sis in christ... ^^
16.有沒有起床氣: 有
17.有幾個兄弟姊妹: one elder bro...
18.最喜歡的一首歌(女生的):irreplaceable... beyonce
19.最喜歡的一首歌(男生的): heart beat.. lee hom
20.喜歡什麼顏色: red and 黑
21.上廁所會不會先沖水: at home no... ooutside yes...
22.愛不愛我: er.... ai.... .ai YE SHU... yesus, kaulah sahabatku... lalala
23.喜歡男生還是女生: 男& 女... hahaha
24.頭髮有幾根: got sentence say... 3 thousands problems is from ur hair...
25.吃跟睡哪個重要: makan la!! jalana-jalan cari makan ma!
27.身高多高:171cm... really de k
28.遇到好兄弟(飄飄)妳跟他說的第一句是: in jesus name...haha
29.有沒有一見鍾情的經驗: 有吧~~
30.有沒有性幻想的對象: no....
31.跟被你點名的人說一句話:you are my super kawan!!
32.跟你最好的北鼻說句話: i'll always be there for u.... (sing song tone)
33.最愛哪個節目: supernatural drama
34.你會重色輕友嗎: 我不会~~
35.喜歡怎樣穿著的女生:fashion, clean
36.最愛北鼻做什麼事時最認真:her practising guitar
38.你報台帳號多少: 11
39.平常假日最喜歡做什麼休閒活動: cinema movies
40.一天上幾次廁所: countless.....
41.最想大聲說什麼: dream a little dream!!!
42.半夜敢不敢自己上廁所: yup..with hockey stick in my hand..haha
43.上廁所會不會脫褲褲: yes........... wuliao a...
44.我是誰:WHO AM I!!!???
45.誰很欠打:those who scratch my car..haha
46.現在很迷什麼: LEFT4 DEAD..jajaja not good not good..
47.睡相很差: nola..where got.... got sound only..haha
48.現在的時間: 10pm
49.是否痛恨傳點卷給你的人: yes...hahaha kidding...coz this week exam week ma..studying de...but have to reply tag de ma...respect ppl ma..^^
50.體重多少: private and confidentiality... below 80 kg...wakakak
51.今天天氣: its a beautiful rainy day
52.你懷孕了嗎: yes... pregnant holy baby.hgahaha
53.你重樂透最想做什麼. renovate and decorate my house...buy sports car
54.你覺得女生會化妝重要嗎: yes... if attending a formal dinner and so on.
55.男生跟女生到底有沒有純友誼: 有!
56.愛情的定義應該是什麼: trust and honesty....
57.人類是不是愚蠢的生物: no..human is god's beautiful creation
58.如果有人要跟你一夜情:huh....... SIAO eh...
59.跟你的前女.男友說一句話: i'm sorry i cant be perfect!
60.晚上睡覺會不會夢到你曾最愛的她.他: no.
61.你有個很愛的人 你該如何開口跟她他複合: never been together..how to recover back o
62.如果明天就世界末日你會:save my family and relatives and friends to heaven
63.如果距離很遠的朋友要如何聯絡: MSN..., sms, 3G video call
65:另一半劈腿 你還會原諒她嗎: no.. i will chop off the other leg...lol
66.你.妳會選擇一個愛你的人或你.妳愛的人: 我爱他,可是他爱我更深的~good answer
67.你依然相信有真愛的存在嗎:true love must wait de ma...quote by xiao yan jie wedding
68.最爱的饮料:Kampai juice
69.如果现在让你遇到你爱且爱你的人,你会开始一段感情吗?:maybe... if she is choosen by god for me...
(3)不行擅自塗改題目。點名開始 請自行複製
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