47 reasons to think twice in a relationship (DATING)
1) If you do not possess a passionate desire to give to them.
2) If they do not possess a passionate desire to give back to you.
3) If your personal achievements have not created excitement in them.
4) If they are not captivated by what has captivated you.
5) Think twice if you have lost your desire to impress them.
6) If they never ask quality questions concerning your greatest dreams and goals.
7) If they ignore quality counsel from qualified mentors in their life.
8) If they have not yet impressed your pastor.
9) If you do not see continuous improvements in the relationship.
10) If they show little pain or remorse concerning their past.
11) If they enjoy the climate and atmosphere of rebels.
12) If the atmosphere of unbelievers excites them.
13) If they have an obsession to attract the opposite sex.
14) If breaking the law is humorous to them.
15) If they show little respect toward the agenda of others.
16) When it is obvious you will not become their focus and assignment.
17) When they embrace an accusation against you before they have heard your side.
18) If they have not exited previous relationships peaceably.
19) If their parents have contempt for you or your assignment in life.
20) If they refuse to sit under the mentorship of a spiritual leader.
21) If pebble problems unleash mountains of anger in them.
22) If they refuse to find a job.
23) If their own dreams are not big enough to motivate them.
24) If they are uncomfortable in the presence of god.
25) If they feel inferior to you.
26) If they do not long to understand and please you.
27) If continuous strife exists between them and their parents.
28) If they treat the favor of others with ingratitude.
29) If they do not have the hunger to know the voice of god.
30) If you are not excited about introducing them to people you love.
31) If they have shown little respect toward the battles you have won in your life.
32) If conversations with them have become burdensome.
33) If they make major decisions of their life without pursuing your views.
34) If your time with them always ends with personal guilt.
35) If people of excellence do not surround them.
36) If they are unwilling to follow personal counsel.
37) If you do not admire their mentor.
38) If you only enjoy them in moments of weakness instead of moments of strength.
39) If they continuously give you counsel contrary to the word of god.
40) If their presence does not motivate you to a higher level of excellence.
41) If you can not trust them with the knowledge of your greatest weakness.
42) If you can not trust them with your finances.
43) If you can not trust them with your most painful memories.
44) If you can not trust them with your biggest fears or secrets.
45) If you can not trust them around your closest friends.
46) If you can not trust them in your absence.
47) If you cannot trust them to pursue god without your constant encouragement