Our MACHA boss peter... who Lead us to GENTING?? instead of Hong's house?? lol..erhem.. sorry macha... lol.. this is my blog... so u cant do anything.. MUAHAHA

finally, we reached....and soon..we began to start up the fire...


Yup... thx Nep for all the foods...hehehe

erhem..look at DAVID"s YUM yong...lol

Happy happy L3..look at our MACHA boss holding wain bottle... P lesen holder...drink and drive...aihz..

I feel SO GOOD!!! hahah swt +_+

deyao the futsal pro, david the math pro... ZW the PRO driver...and zane the accounting pro..haha all PRO!!

oh ya..this wan...absolutely Awesone delicious...
choc banana by NEP...walau... HEAVENLY hahaha

see jean yi expression?? WAAAH!!!! ahahaha

ANA our KAI MA aka class rep....hehe

King the drift king, Zw the Drag king, and Ah Xian the Sprint King.. lol

shereen, winnie, king and jun

erhem... hong ...dun simply touch a...lol

the 3 investigators with hong's perfume and underwear...lol

in Hong's room

thomas, deyao, dinesh, david

Hong's study room... on the thrid floor

yup.. happy happy L3! hehe

L3 Futsal MACHA!!

AnA, Zw, Jean

simon ( mel's boy boy) haha...

simon and his friends....

Hong and david

Gambling time for those KAKI...lol

For those who were not gambling.. yum cha and keng gai down there... lol

ana, Zw..MEl

oh yea... this is hong's comic books collection... crazy wei..more than a hundred diff kind of comics...

and obviously..sylvia loves it a lot...
she will shout and scream while reading comics...lol

and after the BBQ...we had an "AWESOME" trip back home...hahaha